The Pattern Language
We begin with that part of the language which defines a thriving global economic system of exchange. These patterns can never be designed or built in one fell swoop--but patient piecemeal growth, designed in such a way that every individual act is always helping to create or generate these larger global patterns, will slowly and surely, over the years, make a global economic system of exchange that has these global patterns in it.
These Patterns exist at various levels of scale and can be generally grouped at the Global Scale, the scale of the State, the scale of the Market, the scale of non-personal legal entities, the scale of the citizen, and the technology scale.
Ultimately a thriving global economic system of exchange is an economic piston that drives the global growth of wealth, capital, technology, and culture in a controlled and progressive manner.
EPI. Economic Piston
at the global scale, the main tool of this economic piston is...
MNY. Money
with which we can work toward as system of exchange that satisfies the following patterns...
MEX. Medium of Exchange
MOV. Measure of Value
DIV. Divisibility
DPY. Deferred Payment
LIQ. Liquid
RTC. Resistant to Counterfeiting
money and production can be used to procure...
CAP. Capital
that can be either
RCP. Real Capital or
ACP. Artificial Capital
and that can be
COL. Collateralized
Money and capital can be regulated via
DEM. Controlled Inflation or Demurrage
all of which must support and be congruent with at the State level...
STA. The State
LAW. Rule of law
which together can implement...
LTN. Legal Tender
ISS. Issuance
who can be assured of proper operation by...
TRN. Public Transparency
and maintain public funding and economic equality through...
TAX. Tax
so that the state and groups of states can establish a set of
MKT. Markets
that have display fluid properties of
SUP. Supply, Demand, and Price
and yet still promote...
INT. Interdependence and/or nth order decision making
and neutralize or negate
ECR. Neutralization of Economic Rent
NOC. Negation of opportunity costs
and make more efficient the...
PRF. Predistribution of economic rents
PFP. Principal of First Pref Payment
DER. Diminishing value of future economic rents
and make possible...
INS. Instant Transfer
PLG. Public Ledger
So that legal entities can be formed to pursue commerce as ....
LGE. Legal Entities
so that legal entities can be restricted by and unto...
KIL. Corporate Death
LLR. Limited Risk instead of Limited Liability
LBR. Enrich Labor
so that the citizen is maintained as the predominant actor in the state and economy...
CTZ. The Citizen
SCZ. Selective citizenship
FOL. The right to the full output of labor
BNK. Everyone is a bank
and are protected via...
STH. Statutory Theft
and yet maintain their right to
PRI. Privacy and Private Dispersal
DIG. Human Dignity
The Dignity which is supported by...
EDU. Education
ELD. Eldercare
WEL. Welfare
HOM. The Home
LEG. Legacy
And the power of democratic citizen government is protected by...
VTO. Democratic Veto
The pattern language is not complete. A true pattern language has evidence that supports each pattern and I have not yet done the work to provide that evidence I encourage that evidence to be gathered, and if the evidence demonstrates that the pattern is false, then the structure should be adapted to fit the demonstrated evidence. There is no dogma here.
In addition, each pattern should be rated according to how well it demonstrates the process of wholeness creating processes. These can be found in the sections on Christopher Alexander and The Nature of Order.
Finally, we should be able to develop specific generative and regenerative processes for each pattern.